The solidarity network which revolves around food
Empowering and celebrating migrant cooks on their journey to integration and independence.
Facilitating migrant cooks' socio - professional insertion
by accompanying them in the realization of their academic or professional project.
Creating links
and trustful relationships between migrant cooks, catering professionals and the civil society.
Raising awareness
deconstructing prejudices, informing the civil society about migration and cultural diversity.
en accompagnant les cuisinier.e.s dans leur
projet d'avenir, qu'il soit académique ou professionnel.
et des relations de confiance entre des cuisinier.e.s, des professionnel.le.s de la restauration ainsi que la société civile.
déconstruire les préjugés, informer la société civile sur les migrations et la diversité culturelle.
In the current migratory context, France, like other countries, welcomes individuals who migrated for diverse reasons ranging from security and human rights to poverty and climate change.
Despite their acquisition of international protection or a residence permit, they continue to face discrimination. They are confronted with barriers which not only prevent them from creating link with other individuals but also from asserting their skills and diplomas on the labour market.
Trop souvent, ce sont les préjugés et les discriminations dont elles sont victimes qui constituent un frein à leur inclusion. Stamtish est ainsi née de la conviction que la cuisine permet le lien entre les personnes et les cultures. Stamtish, c'est le fruit d'une conviction partagée : que la cuisine permet le lien et l'échange entre les personnes, les cultures, et les territoires.
We are convinced that cooking can be a real vector of inclusion for migrants.
Stamtish was born from these observations, in April 2019. Its name is inspired by the alsatian "convivial table"
The Strasbourg non-profit charity organisation aims to facilitate the socio-professional inclusion of people with a migrant background and strives to fight against discrimination to which they are victims.
To do this, we are working to create a solidarity network through the organization of culinary events by putting these people in touch with catering professionals.
We accompany them in defining and setting up their future projects, in connection with the catering industry.
Since environmental and migration issues are intertwined, it seems important to us to take an interest in these two themes. Thus, through our activities, we are committed to initiate a discussion on sustainable food and its impact on the environment and migration.